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Postman for APIs

Creating a Workspace
  • Open Postman Agent
  • Go to Workspaces -> Create Workspace
  • Select template according to your need
  • Name the template and hit create

  • request URL that indicates where to make the API call.

Variables in PostMan
  • Select Collection Name on left hand menu, then the current variables will appear in the variables tab
  • There are two columns

    • Initial Value - value is set when someone forks or imports your collection. If you share your collection people will see this value so don't put sensitive information here.
    • Current Value - Local value to your postman. Good to keep secrets (API KEYS) here.
  • minimum ingredients you need to make a request are:

    • a request method (GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE, etc)
    • a request URL
  • APIs allow you to refine your request further with key-value pairs called query parameters.
Path Variables
  • The path variable comes immediately after a slash in the path
    • GET{username}
    • You can have multiple path variables in a single request, such as this endpoint for getting a user's GitHub code repository:
      • GET{owner}/{repoName}
Path Variable Query parameters
ex: /books/abc123 ex: /books?search=borges&checkedOut=false
Located directly after a slash in the path. It can be anywhere on the path Located only at the end of a path, right after a question mark ?
Accepts dynamic values Accepts defined query keys with potentially dynamic values.
* Often used for IDs or entity names * Often used for options and filters