Cryptographic Algorithms
Symmetric Key Algorithms¶
Substitution Cipher¶
- letters/plaintext replaced by other letters/numbers/symbols
Pigpen Cipher¶
- letter substitution
- Alphabets are arranged as follows:
ADFGVX Cipher¶
- It Exhibits
- Confusion \(\rightarrow\) each char goes through substitution via a key to create cipher text
- Fractionation \(\rightarrow\) each character in plain text becomes 2 characters in cipher text
- Diffusion \(\rightarrow\) 2 paired cipher-text characters in the cipher-text are spread into different parts of the final cipher-text message
- Uses a Polybius square (6x6 matrix with 26 letters and 10 digits)
- Substituition text generation
- Replace each character in the plain text with
for the plain text occurrence in the Polybius square.- each letter or number substitute the letter pair fromthe column and row heading
- M \(\rightarrow\) DA ; H \(\rightarrow\)DG ; Q \(\rightarrow\) XX
- Replace each character in the plain text with
- Creating cipher text from diffusion character
- Choose a keyword with no repeated characters(IMP!!) in the keyword
- Create a table using every character from keyword as a column.
- Input the substitution text generated in last step into this new table in row-wise manner
- Sort the Columns in lexicographical ( alphabetical ) order, read each column to generate cipher text
- Substituition text generation
- Given: Ciphertext and keyword
- Create the table using sorted keyword columns and place the ciphertext in the table in column wise order (top->bottom for each column then next column)
- Re-arrange the table by moving columns to match the keyword
- Read text row-wise in the table (You got the substitution text)
- Break down into chunks of two characters and reverse find replacements in the Polybius square.
- Why \(ADFGVX\) characters specifically? Because these had dissimilar patterns in morse code.
Caesar Cipher¶
- Replace each letter by 3rd letter after it
\[CipherText\ = E(p) = (p+k)\ mod\ 26$$$$PlainText = D(c) = (c-k) \ mod \ 26\]
- Easy to decipher by brute-forcing through different
values - Do need to recognise when we have the plain text though
Affine Cipher¶
- Encryption \(\(c \Rightarrow E(p) = \alpha p + \beta \ Mod \ 26\)\)
- Decryption \(\(p \Rightarrow D(c) = \alpha^{-1}(c-\beta)\)\)
- \(\alpha\ and\ \beta\) must be selected such that \(gcd(\alpha,\beta)\) = \(1\)
- i.e. \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) must be co-prime
Monoalphabetic Cipher¶
- Don't shift the alphabet, shuffle the letters arbitrarily
- Map the newly shuffled alphabets to the a-z alphabet scheme
- each plain-text letter maps to a different random cipher-text letter
- Frequency distribution can break this down easily
Playfair Cipher¶
- Rules
- No repeating letters in the keyword
- Steps (Table generation 5x5)
- Remove letter j from the alphabet.
- Your selected keyword would go at the start of the 5x5 matrix
- keyword cannot have repeating characters
- Fill in the remaining blocks with remaining characters from alphabet missing in keyword in increasing order (i.e. a,b...z) [except j]
- Steps for preparing Message
- Split letters in pairs of two
- Separate all duplicated letters by putting X in between
- MESSAGE \(\rightarrow\) ME SX SA GE
- Insert each pair into the table and IF the pair characters:
- are in same column
- Move each letter down ONE (Wrap around at last)
- are in same row
- Move each letter right ONE (Wrap around at last)
- forms a rectangle
- Swap letters with the opposite corners (same row swap after imagining the rectangle.)
- are in same column
- Decryption:
- Reverse the above steps
- Same column \(\rightarrow\) Move each letter up by one
- Same row \(\rightarrow\) Move each letter left by one
- rectangle \(\rightarrow\) swap adjacent corners
Hill Cipher¶
- Polygraphic substitution cipher
- Each letter treated as digit in base 26
- Ciphertext = Key * Plaintext
Uses Linear Algebra
- Matrix Multiplication
- Inverse of a Matrix Calculation
- Modulo 26
- Encryption
- use formula \(E(K,P) = K*P\)
- k and P are matrices
- If the column size are row size does not match? We break plain text into parts and merge later.
- use formula \(E(K,P) = K*P\)
- Decryption
- Find inverse of matrix \(K\) in mod 26.
- \(P=D(K,C) = K^{-1} * C\)
- \(K^{-1}\) has two steps
- Finding Determinant of the matrix
- Finding Adjacent of the matrix
- 2x2 matrix
- swap \(M_{1,1}\ and \ M_{2,2}\)
- swap sign for \(M_{1,2} \ and \ M_{2,1}\)
- 3x3 matrix
- 2x2 matrix
- The secret key matrix K should be chosen carefully and needs to fulfill that \(K * K^{-1} = Identity\ in\ MOD\ 26\)
- Can be broken by a cipher text attack.
Vignere Cipher¶
- Vignere Square
- 26 rows x 26 columns [a-z][a-z]
- Each row of the table corresponds to caesar cipher (an kth shift of the alphabet)
- 0 shifts in the first row, n-1 shifts in the nth row.
- ENCRYPTION -> \(E_i\ = \ (P_i\ + K_i)\ mod\ 26\)
- To encrypt the message, write the key, followed by plain text below the key so that the letters are aligned.
- The key is repeated till it match plain text in length
- The Cipher text is generated using the Vigenere square.
- Key Letters \(\rightarrow\) indicate the row
- plain text Letters \(\rightarrow\) indicate the column
- Find intersection of each letter using row and column to get the character to substitute it with.
- Do this for all letters, you got the cipher text
- To encrypt the message, write the key, followed by plain text below the key so that the letters are aligned.
- **DECRYPTION \(D_i\ = \ (P_i\ - K_i)\ mod\ 26\) **
- Write letters of the KEY, followed by the CIPHER Text
- Plain Text Generation (using letters of):
- Cipher text \(\rightarrow\) select row
- Key \(\rightarrow\) select Column
\(_i\) = \(plaintext_i\)
- Cryptanalysis
- Secure from attack using frequency Analysis; not a completely secure cipher
- If attacker finds the length of the key, can be broken using
- Plaintext attack is possible against this cipher
One Time Pad¶
- The key length has to be as long as the length of the plain text
- Encryption
- \(C_i=P_i \oplus K_i\)
- Decryption
- \(P_i=C_i \oplus K_i\)
- Drawback \(\rightarrow\) large key size
Transposition Cipher¶
- aka permutation ciphers (hide message by rearranging letter orders) without altering actual letters used
- The letters are written in a row under the key and then column arranged as per alphabetical order.
- Two types
- Single columnar
- Double columnar
Single Columnar - Row transposition Cipher¶
- Read the key, and number the letters of the key as per their appearance in the alphabet.
- Encryption divided into 3 parts:
- Preparing the key
- Preparing plain text
- Encryption
- Key Preparation:
- Each letter in the key gets a value based on alphabetical ordering
- If a letter is repeated the ordering is done from left to right
- eea -> e2,e3,a1
- Plain text prep:
- Letters from the message are written in rows under the numbered letters of the key.
- This forms a table with
- Encryption
- Rearrange the table in the ascending ordering of the column key values that were assigned at the beginning
- Copy the letters column wise from top to bottom
- Decryption
- Create an empty table with columns for keyword-characters.
- Number the characters based on alphabetic order and left-right precedence
- Fill thee cypher text in columns from top to bottom in the keyword's increasing order of assigned values to characters.
- For any blank spaces fill in dummy character, 'X' is preferred due to overall lower frequency
Double Columnar Transposition¶
- We do the #Single Columnar - Row transposition Cipher, just twice.
- We may use the same key, or use two different keys to create cipher text by doing the Encryption step twice
- For decrypting do the reverse, in reverse order of keys.
Questions: 1. What is a plaintext attack exactly? What is Cipher text attack?