Design Techniques II
All Pairs Shortest Path¶
Floyd Warshall Algorithm - Time complexity -> O(\(n^3\)) - When we call the algorithm for the \(i^{th}\) vertex, all the paths for vertex i will remain the same i.e the \(i^{th}\) row and \(i^{th}\) column will be as it is from the previous matrix. and all the 0-diagonals will be the same as well. - The formula for updating the shortest path here is: \(\(A^k[i,j] = min\{ A^{k-1}[i,j], A^{k-1}[i,k] + A^{k-1}[k,j] \}\)\) For example, \(\(A^1[i,j] = min\{ A^{0}[i,j], A^{0}[i,k] + A^{0}[k,j] \}\)\) - Repeat the above algorithm for all the empty cells of the matrix and fill up the matrix - Do the above procedure for all vertex from 1..n. - At the end of \(n^{th}\) iteration you will have the matrix with shortest path to all the nodes from all the other nodes!
0-1 Knapsack using tabulation and set method¶
- Input
- knapsack size m
- profit array and weight array of size n
- create a table of size (m+1)*(n+1) for including 0 as well
- Initialize 0's row and column to 0
- for all cells use the following formula\(\(A[i,j]\ = \ max\{A[i-1,j],A[i-1,j-w[i]] + p[i]\}\)\)where i -> items and j -> weight After you have filled all the cells, the second problem is how to extract which items were put into the knapsack
- Choose the last entry in the table you filled, check the \(i-1^{th}\) entry to see if the value is the same.
- Go to the first occurrence of the number.
- When you get to the first occurrence, that row's item is to be included in the knapsack, and subtract the item's profit from the current number
- Repeat the above steps till you reach 0.
Set Method¶
- We prepare a set of order pair (profit, weight)
- Initial set \(S_0\) ={0,0}
- then create \(S^0_1\) by adding first item to the \(S_0\)
- we keep doing this till we get to the \(S^{n-1}_n\)
- Meanwhile in the process discard any sets where the weight > maxWeight and wherever the weight to profit pattern is broken
- At the end backtrack using the costliest element and try to find in which Set is it present from last to first.
- the set in which it appears first is the item to be included in hte knapsack, and subtract the item's weight,profit value from the current element
Travelling Salesperson Problem¶
\[g(i,s) = min\{C_{ik} + g(k,s-{k})\}$$Where $i$ is the current element, and $s$ is the remaining element's set. E.g.$$g(2,\{3,4\}) = min\{c(2,3) + g(3,\{4\}) \ \ , \ \ c(2,4) + g(4,\{3\})\}\]
Chain Matrix Multiplication¶
- Given n matrices, to be multiplied, return minimum number of multiplications to be done in minimum.\(\(m[i,j]\ = \ min\{m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] + d_{i-1}*d_{k}*d_{j}\}\)\)
- To calculate the formula for multiplication, use the S table that you prepared, at every step of finding m[i,j] put the value of
as the deciding break point in the S table - At the end use the values in S table's 1st row to decide at what point to split the multiplication at every instance
Longest Common Subsequence¶
- given to strings, return the largest common subsequence
- Algo
- if characters match i.e. s1[i] == s2[j] then c(i,j) = c(i-1,j-1)+1 (give diagonal up arrow)
- else
- if(c[i-1][j] >= c[i][j-i]) -> c[i][j] = c[i-1][j] (give up arrow)
- else c[i][j] = c[i][j-1] (give left arrow)
- To get the lcs string
- from the last box traverse with the max value, when you encounter the diagonal arrow, include the current character and go diagonally up and repeat till you reach 0
Bellman Ford Algorithm¶
- You relax all edges repeatedly n-1 times
- Where n is the number of vertices
- Relaxation -> if(d[u]+c(u,v) < d[v]) -> update distance of v to new value
- Form a list of all edges, and then relax them all (n-1) times
- Time Complexity O(|V| |E|) or O(\(n^2\)) if we consider v,e = n
- Bell man ford does not work with cycles, the moment you add a cycle.
- A bellman ford algo can detect negetive weight cycle, after relaxing n-1 time, we will relax one more time, if the costs change, then there is a negative weight cycle!!
Cutting a rod¶
- Goal -> Maximize the profit
- Input -> 2d Array of size
size of the cut, profit for cut - draw a table of size rodLength+1 (o.....rodLength) x (n+1) (o..size of the cut)
- rod length -> | size (downwards arrow)
- Calculate and fill the table, at the end return the values in the set by reiterating through the dp table from end to back!
Subset Sum problem¶
- Goal -> get the subset that matches the target sum
- Input -> array of size n, targetSum
- draw at table of size sum(0...targetSum --->) x elements(downwards)
- Fill using DP
Reverse traverse from the end till 0, subtract current element from current sum when there is F in the parent and current element is T. Include current element. repeat till current element/current sum = 0
if(j < input[j]) A[i[j] = A[i-1][j] else A[i][j] = A[i-1][j] || A[i-1][j-input[i]]
Optimal Binary Search Tree¶
- Given keys and their frequency, what will be the optimal BST for the given input
- Input -> 2 Arrays of size n, keys and Frequency
- Initialisation
- Table of size nxn
- all diagonals = 0
- Formula:\(\(C[i,j]\ = \ min\{ c[i,k-1] + c[k,j]\} + w(i,j)\)\)w(i,j) excludes the ith value i.e. w(0,2) = w[1] + w[2]
- After calculating the entire table with the root values for the node, construct the tree as follows
- Take the root value of the last node of the 0th row. That is the root of the whole tree
- now make two children for the root from (0 to rootvalue-1) , (rootValue to n)!
- Repeat the process for the children