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Network Flow Analysis

Ford-Fulkerson algorithm:

  • Weighted directed graph would be given
  • Two vertices, Source S(start), Sink T(finish).
  • Constraints:
    1. Flow on an edge doesn't exceed the given capacity of the edge
    2. In-flow is equal to out-flow for every vertex except S and T
  • Minimal Cut: Also known as bottle neck capacity.
  • Residual Capacity -> Original capacity of the link (edge) - flow
  • Augmenting path: Can be done in two ways
    1. Non-full forward edges
    2. Non-empty backward edges

Algorithm Steps: 1. Start with a initial flow as 0 2. While there is an augmenting path from source to sink - Add this path flow to flow 3. Return sink

  • Steps for TC
    1. Find an augmenting path O(E)
    2. Compute the bottle neck capacity
    3. Augment each edge and total flow O(F) E -> No. of Edges | F -> Maximum Flow
  • Complexity -> (EF)

Push Relabel Algorithm

  • Fastest Maximum flow algorithm
  • Push Relabel Animation
  • Runs is O(\(V^2E\)) time
  • Abstract Steps
    1. Initialize PreFlow - init flows and height
    2. While it is possible to do a Push() or Relabel() on a vertex | Do it
    3. Return flow
  • Initialize PreFlow()
    • Init height and flow of every vertex to 0
    • Init height of source vertex to number of vertex in graph.
    • Init flow of every edge as 0
    • For all vertices adjacent to source S, flow and excess flow is equal to capacity initially
  • Push operation
    • to make flow from a node with excess flow.
    • If Vertex has excess flow and adjancent has smaller height, we push the flow from the vertex to adjacent with lower height.
  • Relabel
    • reassign height on transfering water to a neighbour