Complexity NP Completeness
- Hard Problems -> So far no-one else has been able to solve this problem yet
- Reduction
- How to use code for other algorithms to generate a new algorithm without having to reinvent the wheel and doing it all yourself.
- Graph Example Concepts
- Q -> Given an algorithm for perfect matching design an algorithm for maximum matching
- Matching -> set of edges 'M' from 'E' such that no vertices are shared
- Perfect Matching -> Matching but with all vertices included in the set 'M' \(\(It\ has\ \ \ \ \ \frac{|V|}{2}\ \ \ edges\)\)
- Given an efficient algorithm for problem \(p_1\) , we show that there is an algorithm for \(p_2\) using the algorithm \(p_1\).
- We say problem A reduces to Problem B if we can use B's functionality to solve A/ part of A.
- Efficient
- Running time of the algorithm is bounded by a polynomial in the input size.
- i.e There exists a constant c such that the running time \(T(n)\) is \(O(n^c)\) where n is the input size
- Hamiltonian Path -> a path of length
is the number of vertices. All vertices are covered through this path - Hamiltonian Cycle -> A cycle in graph that spans all vertices
- if Hamiltonian Cycle exists Hamiltonian Path will exist! Not necessarily the reverse
- Q. Given an efficient algo for Hamiltonian Cycle prove that an efficient algorithm exits for Hamiltonian Path
- Problem Types
- Search Problems
- Output is many bits
- Search for a solution and output the solution
- Output a Hamiltonian Cycle if it exists
- Decision Problem
- Output 1 bit
- Decide whether true or false
- E.g. Does G have Hamiltonian Cycle
- For similar problems, if the search problem is easy the other one is hard as well, and vice versa.
- Search Problems
- Q -> Given a search problem [Does the graph have a Hamiltonian Cycle? ] find the cycle in the graph
- Approach
- Consider the edges one by one
- For Edge \(E_i\) , remove \(E_i\) and ask the HC algorithm if cycle exists
- If Yes -> The edge \(E_i\) is not part of the cycle; discard it
- If No -> The edge \(E_i\) is part of the cycle ; keep it
- At the end what remains is the cycle itself
- Approach
- The Class NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial Time)
- P vs NP - A very well made video
- A Decision Problem is said to be in the class NP if for all YES(positive/true) inputs there is a proof (advice/string) using which it can be verified (quickly) that the input is indeed a YES input
- Proof is what the prover send to verifier
- Quickly -> efficiently| in time polynomial in the input size
- A bool Formula in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) is an
of clausesC_1 v C_2 v C_3..v C_n
and is anAND
of clauses ifC_1 ^ C_2 ^ C_3..^ C_n
- SAT -> Satisfiability Problem (NP Problem)
- for boolean questions, whether there exists an interpretation that satisfies the formula.
- SAT belongs to NP
- Prover gives proof using which verifier can verifiy the problem
- Proof is an assignment to the variable
- Verifier uses this assignment to check if the formula evaluates to True!
- Theorem of Cook If SAT has an efficient algorithm then so does every other problem in NP. Efficient means polynomial time!!!!
- Goal -> Decision version is among the hardest NP
- If there is an efficient algorithm to solve decision version problems, then there is an algorithm to solve all algorithms in the NP?
- IF there exists a polynomial time algorithm for SAT, there is one for all problems in NP
- Thus SAT is an NP Hard Problem
- A problem is NP Hard if has the following property
- If it has a polynomial time algorithm then there is one for every problem in NP.
- an NP hard is not necessarily part of NP, it can be outside NP but solving it will give efficient algo for all NP problems
- A problem is NP Hard if has the following property
- NP Complete
- NP Complete Video
- A problem is NP Complete if
- The problem belongs to NP
- Problem is NP Hard!
- Vertex Cover
- Given a graph return set of vertices (minimum size) such that the vertices in the result cover all the edges of the graph.
- To prove -> Vertex cover is NP
- Proover gives the subset result of k vertices and Graph to the verifier
- The verifier checks the graph with the subset from the proover
- Thus, Vertex cover is NP
- T Prove Vertex cover is NP Hard
- Assume there is a polynomial time algorithm for Vertex cover¶