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Topics For endSem

1. Distributed System Features
  1. Resource Sharing - sharing hardware, software and data
  2. Scalability - Horizontal and vertical
  3. Fault Tolerance -
  4. Transparency - Hide complexity from users, and seem like a unified system
  5. Concurrency - simultaneous/concurrent execution of tasks across processors
  6. High integrity / Openness -
  7. Security
  8. Heterogenity - Support across diverse hardware/software
  9. High availability
  10. Load Balancing - Distribute load to avoid a single node becoming bottleneck
  11. Communication - TCP/IP, RPC
  12. Performance
2. Client Server Model
  • Process offering services (servers)
  • Processes that use services (Clients)
  • Request-Reply model
  • Client-Network-Server
  • Advantages
    • Centralized Management
    • Scalability
    • Specialization - Servers do specific jobs and are optimized for them
    • Data Security
    • Ease of Maintenance
  • Disadvantages
    • SPOF
    • Cost
    • Scalability (Clients \(\uparrow\) , servers act as bottleneck)
    • Network Dependency
3. TCP/IP Model
4. Clock Synchronisation
  • Distributed Systems
    • Internal (Mutual)
      • Need
        • Correct results
        • Measuring duration of distributed activities
    • External (With Real time clock)
  • A set of clocks are said to be synchronized if the clock skew of any two clocks in this set is less than some specified constant .
  • time must never run backward.
  • Externally synchronized clocks are also internally synchronized, but the converse is not true.
  • Algorithms
    • Centralised -> One node (time server node) has real time receiver
    • Distributed Algorithm -> Each node has a real time receiver for external synchronization
      • Internal communication for internal synchronisation
Passive Time Server Algorithm
  • Time = \(T\ +\ (T_1\ -\ T_0)\ / 2\)
    • Node sends a message at time \(T_0\)
    • Time Time server responds with current time T
    • Node readjusts the message using above given formula, \(T_1\) is time it receives reply from time server
  • Active Time Server Algorithm
    • Time server periodically broadcasts its clock time T
    • \(T\ +\ T_a\) to get the current time, \(T_a\) is predefined time.
Distributed Time Service
  • Each node is either a DTS Client or DTS Server
  • To sync clock, DTS Client makes requests to DTS Servers
  • Uses method of intersection for computing ne clock value and resets ts clock to this value.
  • As we are finding intersecting time frames here to set for all clocks, it is recommended for each LAN to have at least 3 DTS Servers
  • DTS servers of a LAN also communicate among themselves periodically and use the same algorithm to keep their clocks mutually synchronized.
6. Communication Protocol
  • Group Communication
  • The basic goal of communication protocols for network systems is to allow remote computers to communicate with each other and to allow users to access remote resources
ISO/OSI Reference Model
  • A guide, not a specification, a theoretical model
  • Seven Layers - Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data-Link Physical
ISIS Routing Protocol
  • Each router has copy of the entire topology
  • IS-IS protocol facilitates efficient communication in distributed networks
  • Shortest Path | Scalable Level 1,2(Backbone routers), 1/2
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • Voice video data sent along the same network
  • data transfer in discrete chunks, fixed sized packets (Cells)
  • ATM’s high performance, scalability, traffic integration, QoS support, and reliable transmission make it an attractive technology for distributed systems.
7. Lamport’s Algorithm – Physical and Logical
  • uses - happened-before notation | a -> b , a happened before b
  • It is a transitive relation a->b, b->c, then a->c
  • concurrent events | casually ordered events
  • receiver clock < message timestamp?
    • set system clock to message timestamp + 1
    • else, do nothing
  • Each message carries a timestamp of the sender's clock
  • sending
    • time = time+1
    • time_stamp = time
    • send(message, time_stamp)
  • receiver side
    • message,time_stamp -> received
    • time = max(time_stamp, time)+1
8. FIFO Algorithm
9.Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Shortest path from one node to every other node
  • A table to keep track of distances
    • Distances measuring are from starting node, initialise table with all node values as infinity and start point as 0
    • Update via edges leaving start poiint
    • Pick the smallest edge of the vertex that hasn't been chosen.
    • Repeat till end
  • \(O(|E| + |V| log|V|)\)
10. Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Steps
    • Sort edges by ascending weight of edges
    • Pick the smallest weighing edge, that does not result in a cycle or previously visited nodes.
    • Keep doing this until all nodes are in the same tree
    • O(E Log E)
11. Remote Procedure Call
  • Interprocess communication mechanism for distributed systems
  • Extension of Procedure call mechanism
  • uses client-server model.
    • Requesting program is client
    • Service providing program is the server
    • Client Stub -> Proxy for remote procedure
    • Server stub -> corresponding point of access to client stub
  • Caller sends a requests to server and blocks till the reply message
  • Key Components of RPC:
    • Client Side : Client -> Client Stub -> RPCRuntime
    • Server Side : RPC Runtime -> Server Stub -> ServerrpcComponents.png
  • Client is completely unaware of the fact that the process is being executed on a different machine. It's just another interprocess communication for it.
14. Mutual Exclusion in Distributed Systems
  • Requirements for Mutual Exclusion Algo
    • At any given time, only one process should access a given resource.
    • No Starvation for any process should be there
  • Approaches
    • Centralized
      • A coordinator process coordinates entry for critical sections
      • process requests to coordinator, coordinator grants permission to execute its critical section code, by using some scheduling algorithm
      • Only one process at a time
      • Process notifies coordinator after exiting the critical section
      • Pasted image 20241128091318.png
      • FIFO ensures no starvation
      • Three messages per critical section entry
        • Request | Reply | Release
      • Drawbacks
        • SPOF
        • Performance Bottleneck
    • Distributed
      • When a process wants to enter a critical section, it sends a request message to all other processes.
      • The message contains
        • the process- id
        • the critical-section-id
        • timestamp generated by the process
      • A process enters the critical section as soon as it has received reply messages from all processes
      • After exiting from the critical section, it sends reply messages to all processes in its queue and deletes them from its queue
      • If a process also wants to get into the critical section, the process with the earlier timestamp value executes first
      • Disadvantage:
        • n points of failure, if a node fails there is no way get reply from all nodes
    • Token passing
      • Circular logical ordering of nodes
      • token passed to one at a time, to the next neighbour
      • Process receiving the token can either execute its critical section, and/or pass the token to the next neighbour
15. Deadlocks in Distributed Systems
  • A state of permanent blocking of a set of processes due to unmet dependency resolution
  • Necessary Conditions for a deadlock
    • Mutual Exclusion
    • Hold-and-wait
    • No-preemption
    • Circular Wait
  • Deadlock Modelling
    • Resource Allocation Graph
      • Pasted image 20241128075600.png
      • \(R_i \rightarrow Pi\) - Resource is being used by \(P_i\)
      • \(Pi \rightarrow R_i\) - \(P_i\) is waiting for resource
  • If only once unit of each resource type in the system, a cycle is necessary and sufficient for a Deadlock
  • If one or more resource types in the cycle have more than one unit, a knot is sufficient
  • Wait For Graph
    • Pasted image 20241128080243.png
Methods for Handling Deadlocks
  • Avoidance
    • Safe and unsafe state analysis is done before allocating a resource
    • system checks to find out if this allocation will change the system state from safe to unsafe.
    • If no, the request is immediately granted, else it is deferred.
    • Disadvantage
      • Requires Advanced knowledge of resource requirements
      • Assumes no of processes competing for allocation is known and fixed
      • degrades system performance
  • Prevention
    1. Collective Requests - tackles Hold and wait condition
    2. Ordered Requests - tackles circular wait situations
    3. Preemption - Tackles No preemption
    4. Spooling outputs onto a disk file, from where the process requiring mutual exclusion reads - Tackles Mutual-exclusion
  • Detection & Recovery
    • Maintaining a WFG, checking for Cycles in WFG. If Cycle, then Deadlock
    • Recovery Methods
      • Operator Intervention
      • Termination of Process
      • Rollback of Process
    • WFG in a distributed Environment\
      1. Construct Resource Allocation Graph for each site
      2. Convert Resource allocation graph to WFGs
      3. Take union of the WFGs of all sites, to get one single global WFG
    • The three commonly used techniques for organizing the WFG in a distributed system are:
      • Centralized
        • local coordinator and central coordinator - solve respective deadlocks
        • WFG information from local to central coordinator transferred as follows:
          • Continuous transfer
          • Periodic Transfer
          • On-request Transfer (of Central coordinator)
      • Hierarchical
        • a logical hierarchy of deadlock detectors (controllers)
        • Each leaf node -> Local WFG
        • Each Inner Node -> Union of all child WFGs
        • Lowest level that finds a cycle, solves it
      • Distributed
        • WFG Based
          • Each site has local WFG
          • An extra node is added to model Waiting situations
            • \(Edge(P_i,P_{ex})\) if process \(P_i\) is waiting for a resource in another site being held by any process.
            • Else vice versa
          • A cycle in a local WFG that does not involve Pex indicates a local deadlock, and resolved locally.
          • Else, the affected site sends a message to the appropriate site, and the appropriate site restarts.
          • The local site with A outgoing \(P_ex\) node requests fo
        • Probe Based
          • Process fails to get a requested resource, it times out
          • It then generates a probe message and sends to the process holding the resource
          • Message has 3 fields
            • Id of process just blocked
            • Id of process sending this message
            • Id of process to which message is being sent
          • On receiving this message, if recipient is using the resource, it ignores the message
          • If recipient is waiting for the resource, it forwards the message by updating the second and third field.
          • After repeating the process, if the message gets back to the original process who sent the message, there is a cycle, thus a deadlock in the system.
16. Logical Clocks and Physical Clocks
Lamport's Logical Clocks
  • order in which events occur matters here
  • If a and b are two events in the same process, and a comes before b, then a → b.
  • Happened Before Events
    • Timestamp of event A should Always be less than Event B, A -> B
  • There are two types of events
    • Casually ordered Relation - A -> B
    • Concurrent Event - A || B
      • If two events are not related by the happened before relation, they are said to be concurrent
  • Lamport's Algorithm for labelling concurrent eventsPasted image 20241128003006.png
  • Logical Clock Implementations
    • Counters
      • Pasted image 20241128004818.png
    • Physical Clock
      • Pasted image 20241128004839.png
Physical Clocks
  • Sometimes we simply need the exact time, not just an ordering.
  • Electronic device that counts oscillations in a crystal at a particular frequency
  • Quartz crystal, Constant Register, Counter Register
  • Clock Synchronisation - The goal is to keep the deviation between two clocks on any two machines within a specified bound, known as the precision π:
    • Internal synchronization: keep clocks precise
    • External synchronization: keep clocks accurate
  • Clock Drift - clock comes with a specified maximum drift rate.
    • Pasted image 20241128000418.png
  • Clock Drift over the time is known as skew
17. Distribution System Architecture
18. Election Algorithms
  • An algorithm requires some process to act as a coordinator. Election Algorithms help in selection of them dynamically.
1. Bully Algorithm
  • All processes have an identifier value (id | priority number)
  • A process \(P_k\) notices that coordinator is not responding, it initiates an election
    • \(P_k\) sends ELECTION message to all higher ids than itself
    • If No one responds -> \(P_k\) wins the election and becomes coordinator
    • If any higher up responds, it takes over and higher up repeats the process
    • Pasted image 20241127234917.png
Election in a Ring
  • Process priority is obtained by organizing processes into a (logical) ring.
  • Process with the highest priority should be elected as coordinator.
  • The initiator sends a coordinator message around the ring containing a list of all living processes.
  • The one with the highest priority is elected as coordinator.
    • Pasted image 20241127234903.png
19. Workstation, Processor Pool and Hybrid Model
Workstation Model
  • workstations scattered throughout a campus connected by a high-speed LAN
  • Diskful(with local disks) ,
    • Disks -> Used in four ways
      1. Paging, temporary files,
      2. ... + system binaries,
      3. ... + file caching
      4. Complete Local file system
    • Reduced network load
    • Disadvantages
      • Higher cost due to large number of disks
      • Cache-consistency problems
  • Diskless

    • Why Diskless? file system must be implemented on remote servers
      • These tend to be cheaper
      • backup/maintenance is cheaper
      • no fans and noises
      • provides symmetry and flexibility
      • Use any machine to access files via remote servers.
    • Advantage:
      • Low cost | Easy Hardware, software Maintenance
      • Symmetry | Flexibility
    • Disadvantage
      • Heavy Network Usage | File server -> bottleneck
  • Idle Workstations - used by active users to perform tasks

  • Algos to locate idle workstations
    • Server Driven - server registers itself in a registry file or a public broadcast
      • Pasted image 20241127224514.png
    • Client Driven - Client broadcasts request for resource
Processor Pool Model
  • a rack full of CPUs in the machine room, dynamically allocated to user as per the demand
Hybrid Model
  • Each user gets their personal workstation and a processor pool is addition
  • Even if the processor is not allotted due to high load, you still have the workstation to do the work.
20. Distributed Shared Memory
21. Event-Driven and Time-Triggered System
Event-triggered Real-time system
  • a significant event in the outside world detected by some sensor causes an interrupt in the attached CPU.
  • These systems are interrupt driven
  • May fail under conditions of heavy load (multiple events happening at once.)
  • Faster response at low load, more overhead and chance of failure at high load.
  • Dynamic Scheduling is good for Event triggered systems.
    • Not much advance work, scheduling happens on the go.
    • Make better use of resources than static scheduling.
Time-triggered real-time
  • a clock interrupt occurs every T ms
  • At every clock tick, sensors are sampled and actuators are driven.
  • No interrupts other than clock ticks.
  • T must be chosen carefully
    • Too small, high interrupts, context switching less CPU usage
    • Too High, significant events may go unnoticed.
  • suitable in relatively static environment, where a great deal is already known about system's behaviour.
  • Static Scheduling is good for this system type, why? read on..
    • Schedule must be carefully planned in advance, with effort going into choosing various parameters
    • Wasting resources (heavy calculations to make this apriori schedule) is often the price that must be paid to guarantee that all deadlines are met
    • Optimal/near optimal schedule for a time-triggered system.
Common for both types of systems
  • Predictability - behaviour should be predictable
  • Fault-tolerant real-time systems must be able to cope with the maximum number of faults and the maximum load at the same time.
  • Language Support -( Coding Language) The selected language should have following properties
    • max execution time for every task can be computed at compile time.
      • language cannot support while loops and recursion
    • It should be able to deal with time itself
    • a way to express minimum and max delay
    • exception handling capabilities
    • periodic event statements
Real Time Communication
  • Can't use ethernet (not predictable)
  • Token ring LAN is predictable