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midSemExam gpu

Chapter 2

Kernel in Context of GPU
  • A kernel is a function designed to run on the GPU and perform specific tasks
Serial/Parallel Problems
  • Threads operate with a shared memory space
    • Adv -> not having to exchange data via messages
    • Dis -> Lack of protection of shared data.
  • Threading model sits well with OpenMP
  • Process model sits well with MPI (Message Passing Interface)
Concurrency & Locality
  • Embarrassingly parallel problems
    • If you can construct a formula where the output data points can be represented without relation to each other.
    • CUDA is ideal for this type of problems
  • For most kernels, the number of blocks needs to be in the order of eight or more times the number of physical SMs on the GPU.
  • A typical GPU has on the order of 24K active threads.
  • High amounts of power and time are consumed in moving the operands to and from these functional units.
  • Temporal Locality
  • Spatial Locality
  • CPUs are designed to run software where the programmer does not have to care about locality.
  • Eviction and dirty data management is one downside of caching approach
    • Dirty data has to be written back to global memory before the cache space can be used again
Parallelism Types
Pipeline Parallelism (Task Based Parallelism)
  • output of one program provides input to the other
  • uses | operator
  • Bottleneck -> Runs only as fast as the slowest component.
  • Amdahl's law
    • Maximum Speedup is one divided by the fraction of the program that takes the longest time to execute \(\(\frac{1}{longest\ execution\ time\ of\ FRACTION\ of\ program}\)\)
  • Ultimately, you will have serial operations, and will be using CPU.
  • Even if you move everything to GPU, you will still use CPU to load and store data to and from storage devices.
  • Maximum theoretical speedup is the fraction of the program that performs the computation/algorithmic part, plus the remaining serial function. \(\(Maximum\ Speedup\ = \ Algorithmic\ Part \ + Serial\ Function\)\)
Coarse-grained parallelism
  • Coarse-grained parallelism is a type of parallel computing where a program is split into large tasks, allowing for a significant amount of computation to occur in processors
  • Task based parallelism fits better with this
Data-based Parallelism
  • Focus is on how data needs to be transformed rather than how tasks need to be performed.
  • Data is split into parallel and each section is processed in parallel.
  • GPUs does not maintain cache-coherency. Thus GPU is able to scale to a far larger number of cores (SMs --> Streaming Multiprocessor) per device as compared to CPUs.
  • Fermi and Kepler GPUs -> a shared L2 cache that replicates the L3 cache function on the CPU.
  • GPUs handle parallelism more efficiently by launching multiple kernels and ensuring sufficient block distribution.
Flynn's Taxonomy
  • Serial Programming --> SISD
  • Dual,Quad Core desktop Machines today --> MIMD
  • SIMT (Single Instruction Multiple Threads) is used by NVIDiA.
    • It is a flexible form of SIMD
Some Common Parallel Patterns
Loop-based patterns
  • Iteration dependency is where one iteration of the loop depends on one or more previous iterations.
  • Loop-based iteration is one of the easiest patterns to parallelize.
  • For CPU, this is simply the number of logical hardware threads available.
  • GPU is the number of SMs multiplied by the maximum load we can give to each SM, 1 to 16 blocks.
  • An existing multi-core CPU solution, typically has far too large a granularity for a GPU.
    • CPU is coarse-grained, it is good for fewer more complex tasks
    • GPU is more granular, good for many smaller, parallel tasks.
  • Most loops can be flattened, thus reducing an inner and outer loop to a single loop.
    • Small loops present considerable loop overhead, typically not efficient.
Fork/Join Pattern
  • There can actually be millions of data items and attempting to fork a million threads will cause almost all OSs to fail in one way or another.
    • To avoid this, OS applies a "fair" scheduling policy
  • On CPUs, libraries will use the number of logical processor threads available as the number of processes to fork.
  • On GPUs, it's more like a block pool than a thread pool.
  • Used by CUDA to break the problems into smaller parts
  • To achieve good performance on any platform, two key concepts must be considered --> Concurrency and Locality
  • Tiling model is easy to Conceptualize. If you have a linear distribution of work within a single block, you have an ideal decomposition into CUDA blocks.
  • For most GPUs, you'll find an ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism) level of four operation per thread works best.
Divide and Conquer
  • Quick Sort
  • Most recursive algorithms can also be represented as an iterative model, which is usually somewhat easier to map onto the GPU.
  • Available stack can be queried with API call cudaDeviceGetLimit() and set with cudaDeviceSetLimit()
  • Debugging tools --> Parallel Nsight, CUDA-GDB
  • a recursive algorithm be aware that you are making a tradeoff of development time versus performance.
  • Use iterative solutions where possible as they will generally perform much better and run on a wider range of GPU hardware.

Chapter 3 -- CUDA Hardware Overview

PC Architecture
  • All GPU devices are connected to the processors via the PCI-E (Peripheral Component Interconnect - Express) bus
  • Northbridge
    • For data from the processor to GP{U -> FSB (Front Side Bus)
    • Memory is accessed through Northbridge
    • Peripherals are accessed through the Northbridge and Southbridge chipset
    • Northbridge deals with all high-speed components --> memory, CPU, PCI-E, etc.
  • Southbridge
    • deals with slower devices --> Hard disk, USB, keyboard, network connections, etc.
  • PCI-E
    • Based on guaranteed bandwidth
    • Since PCI-E 2.0, we get same upload and download speed, at same time.
      • We can transfer 5GB/s to the card while receiving 5GB/s from the card.
      • This bandwidth is not cumulative though, you cannot send/receive 10GB/s
  • Nehalem Architecture
    • Introduced QPI(Quick Path Interconnect), an improvement over FSB(Front Side Bus)
      • QPI --> High speed inter connect to talk to other devices or CPUs.
      • QPI runs at either 4.8 GT/s or 6.4 GT/s. (GT -> Giga Transfers per second)
  • Sandybridge Design
    • From I7/X58, intel started using this
    • Support for SATA-3 standard -> Supporting 600 MB/s transfer rates
    • Introduced AVX(Advanced Vector Extensions) instruction set.
      • Allows for vector instructions that provide up to four double precision(256bit/32byte) wide vector operations.
    • Downside --> Supports only 16 PCI-E lanes, limiting PCI-E bandwidth to 16 GB/s in theory and 10 GB/s in actual bandwidth.
  • Intel
    • Uses triple or quad channel memory on top-end systems
    • dual channel memory on lower-end systems
  • AMD
    • Dual channel memory only
    • Supports up to six SATA 6GB/s ports.
GPU Hardware
  • GPU Hardware consists of a number of key blocks
    • Memory (Global, Constant, Shared)
    • Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs)
    • Streaming Processors (SPs)
  • GPU is really an array of SMs, each of which has N cores
    • G80/G200 -> 8 cores
    • Fermi -> 32-48 cores
    • Kepler -> 8+ Cores
  • There are multiple SPs in each SM.
  • Each SM has access to something called a register file, a chunk of memory that runs at same speed as SP units, giving an effectively zero wait time on this memory.
    • Used for storing registers within threads running on an SP
  • There is also a shared memory block accessible only to the individual SM -- Used as program-managed cache
  • Each SM has a separate bus into the texture memory, constant memory and global memory space
    • Texture Memory -> Special view onto the global memory
      • Useful when there is data interpolation (2D or 3D lookup tables)\
    • Constant Memory
      • used for read-only data and is cached on all hardware revisions
    • Global Memory
      • supplied via GDDR (Graphic Double Data Rate) on graphics card
      • High performance version of DDR memory
  • Each SM also has two or more special purpose units (SPUs)
    • for performing special hardware instructions --> high speed 24 bit sin/cosine/exponent operations.
CPUs and GPUs
  • Programming is a very low level affair
  • Sloppy code means poor use of the CPU and available memory, which could translate into needing a faster CPU or more memory.
  • To really get performance out of the hardware, you need to understand how it works.
Compute Levels
Compute 1.0
  • Found on older graphic cards.
  • lacked feature for atomic operations -> Couldn't guarantee a complete operation without any other thread interrupting.
  • Hardware implements a barrier point at entry of atomic functions to guarantee completion of operation (add, sub, min, max, etc.)
  • Now obsolete.
Compute 1.1
  • cudaGetDeviceProperties() returns the deviceOverlap property, which defines if this functionality is available. Which functionality you ask? read on..
  • This version brought in support for overlapped data transfer and kernel execution.
  • To use this method we require double the memory space we'd normally use.
  • Cycles
    1. GPU is idle, CPU fills Buffer 0
    2. GPU processes buffer 0, CPU fills buffer 1
    3. GPU processes buffer 1 , CPU reads from Buffer 0, Fills buffer 0.
    4. Continues alternatively
  • Dual buffering method largely hides the latency of GPU-to-CPU and CPU-to-GPU transfers and keeps both the CPU and GPU busy.
Compute 1.2
  • 2x number of CUDA core processors on a single card
  • NVIDIA increased number of concurrent warps a multiprocessor could execute from 24 to 32.
Compute 1.3
  • Introduction to support or limited, double-precision calculations
  • A mixture of single and double precision operations can be used starting with this version.
Compute 2.0
  • Switched to the Fermi Hardware
  • Introduced
    • 16k to 48k of L1 cache memory on each SP
    • a shared L2 cache for all SMs
  • Extension in size of shared memory from 16K per SM to 48K per SM
  • Shared Memory banks increased from 16 to 32.
  • Tesla-based devices

    • Support for ECC (Error Correcting Code) -- based memory checking and error correction
    • support for dual-copy engines
  • Cache Introduction makes it easier for programmers to write programs that work well on GPU

  • L2 cache is up to 768K in size
  • ECC Memory is a must for Data centers, as it provides automatic error detection and correction. Why is it needed for data centers and not personal devices?
    • Electrical devices emit small amounts of radiation, when in close proximity to other devices, this radiation can change the contents of memory cells in other devices.
    • The probability of this happening is tiny, but in a data center, the equipment are densely packed, resulting in probability of something going wrong increasing to high, unacceptable levels.
    • This is why ECC is needed, which in turn reduces the amount of available RAM, and negatively impacts memory bandwidth.
    • Thus ECC is only available on Tesla products
  • Dual Copy Engines
    • They allow you to extend dual buffer to use multiple streams
    • Streams basically allow for N independent kernels to be executed in a pipeline fashion.
  • streamPipelining.png
  • Shared memory changed drastically in this version
    • It was transformed into a combined L1 cache.
    • For backward compatibility, a minimum of 16KB must be allocated to the shared memory. Thus L1 cache is really only 48K in size.
    • Using a switch, shared memory and L1 cache usage can be swapped, giving 48K shared memory, and 16K L1 cache.
  • Alignment requirements became stricter
    • A cache line size of 128 bytes is the norm now
    • If you have a sparse and distributed memory pattern per thread, you need to disable this feature and switch to the 32-bit mode of cache operation.
  • Shared memory banks from 16 to 32 bits
    • Allows each thread of current warp to write to exactly one bank of 32 bits in the shared memory without causing a shared bank conflict.
Compute 2.1
  • 48 CUDA cores per SM instead of usual 32 per SM
  • 8 single precision, special function units per SM instead of usual 4
  • Dual warp dispatcher instead of usual single warp dispatcher
  • Warps, are groups of threads.
    • On 2.0, single-warp dispatcher takes two clock cycles to dispatch instructions of an entire warp
    • On 2.1, we now have four instruction dispatchers instead of 2.
  • This hardware is a superscalar approach, similar to what is found on CPUs.
  • This version is a significant divergence from the universal Thread level Parallelism(TLP) used till this point, and now the focus was being shed on ILP
    • ILP required the instructions to be independent of one another.

Chapter 4 -- Setting up CUDA

Chapter 5 -- Grids, Blocks and Threads

  • NVIDIA chose SPMD (Single Program, Multiple data) for scheduling. A variant of SIMD.
    • a single flow of execution through the program.
  • The CUDA Programming model groups threads into special groups it calls warps, blocks and grids.
  • Fundamental building block of a parallel program
  • SFR(Split Frame Rendering) type splits as coarse-grained parallelism
    • Large chunks of data are split in some way between N powerful devices and then reconstructed later as processed data.
  • Similar to macro and micro there is coarse and fine-grained parallelism.
  • Fine-grained parallelism is usually found at the programmer level on devices that support huge number of threads such as GPU.
  • CPUs follow MIMD(Multiple Instruction Multiple Data) model.
    • This is a more flexible approach but incurs additional overhead in fetching multiple independent instructions.
  • GPU
    • GPUs are designed for running a large number of simple tasks
    • GPUs also use the same concept of context switching but instead of having a single set of registers, they have multiple banks of registers.
      • A context switch here involves setting a bank selector to switch in and out of the current set of register.
      • This is much faster than having to save to RAM.
    • GPUs are designed to handle stall conditions.
      • GPU model is a data-parallel one and thus needs thousands of threads to work efficiently.
      • When it hits a memory fetch or has to wait for result of calculation, the streaming processor simply switch to another instruction stream.
      • Then the Streaming Processor returns to the stalled instruction some time later.
    • GPUs calculate 32 per Streaming Multiprocessor
  • CPU
    • Context switching on CPU is expensive.
    • CPU often run single-thread programs
      • they calculate just a single data point per core, per iteration.
Task Execution Model
  • Groups of N Streaming Processors execute in a lock-step basis.
    • Running the same program but on different data.
    • Because of the huge register file, there is effectively zero overhead.
  • What does lock-step basis mean?
    • Each instruction in the instruction queue is dispatched to every SP within an SM.
    • An SM is like a processor with N Cores (SPs) embedded within it
  • If the program does not follow a nice neat execution flow where all N threads follow the same control path, you will require additional execution cycles.
    • If some part of the data takes a different path, then the other SPs in the warp will have to stall till the other branch is executed in a later cycle.
    • When all the instructions for all branches are executed is when the GPU would return the data for the Warp.
GPU Structure Hierarchy
  • Grid -> gridDim.x, gridIdx.x
  • Block --> blockDim.x, blockIdx.x
  • Warp
  • Thread --> threadIdx.x
Threading on GPUs
  • Loop parallelization
    • when there is no dependency between one iteration of the loop and the next.
    • Each thread on a GPU handles only 1 or a few indexes of the loop.
  • In CUDA,
    • you translate the for loop by creating a kernel function.
    • the programming model states that all serial code execution should be done by CPU only, and parallel code by GPU.
  • Keywords
    • a __global__ prefix is added to the C function that tells the compiler to generate GPU code.
    • thread__idx is a structure which holds the information about the thread.
      • threadIdx.x gives value for current thread index
    • kernel_function <<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(param1, param2, ...)
      • num_blocks --> Ensure that there is at least one
      • num_threads --> simply the number of threads that you want per block
    • threadIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)+ threadIdx.x
    • warpSize -> builtin variable given by NVIDIA
    • dim3 -> special CUDA type to create a 2D layout of threads
      • dim3 threads_rect(32,4)
      • dim3 blocks_rect(4,1)
      • kernel_func<<<blocks_rect, threads_rect>>>(a,b,c)
    • gridDim.x -> size in blocks of the X dimension of the grid
      • similarly gridDim.y
    • blockDim.x -> size in threads of the X dimension of a single block
      • similarly blockDim.y
  • Pasted image 20250218145748.png
  • idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x
  • idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y
  • threadIndex = ((gridDim.x * blockDim.x) * idy5) + idx
  • You actually only have N cores on each SM
  • When all 32 threads are waiting on something such as memory access, they are suspended.
  • Warp --> 32 Threads
  • Half-warp --> 16 Threads
    • 128 threads -> 4 warps of 32 threads in each warp
    • When all 32 threads in a warp are suspended, the hardware switches to another warp.
    • GPU continues in this manner until all warps have moved to the suspended state while moving the ready warps to execution.
  • In practice, multiple blocks are run on each SM to avoid any idle states.
  • blockIdx.x holds the value which is the index of the current block
  • blockDim.x hold the number of threads you requested per block.

    The limit of parallelism is only really the limit of the amount of parallelism that can be found in the application.

  • Assuming one threads per array element, you can process up to 64 million elements with 64 million threads.
  • Why use blocks and not just summon (invoke) many threads directly instead?
    • More blocks give more efficiency and scalability
    • GPU have Maximum threads per block, if GPU uses some threads most of GPU remains idle
    • When you divide into blocks, more of the GPU's SMs work simultaneously on the task.
    • The larger the thread block, more potential you have to wait for a slow warp to catch up.
  • A set of blocks where you have X and Y axis, to create a 2D array like effect.
  • This mapping gives us in total X * Y * T number of total threads.
  • The number of threads in a warp should always be a multiple of warp size.
    • You can only schedule full warp on hardware, 32 threads or nothing.
    • The remaining part goes unused, or even worse the unknown data there is used, ensure you don't process elements off the end of the X axis by adding an edge case condition.
Stride and Offset
  • Thread blocks can be thought of as 2D structures.
  • Width of the array is referred to as stride of the memory access.
  • address calculation : (row * (sizeof(array_element) * width)) + ((sizeof(array_element) * offset)
  • The width of the array must ideally be always a multiple of warp size.
  • Thread within the same block can communicate using shared memory
  • The basic unit of execution on the GPU
  • Warps on GPU are currently 32 elements, but they might be increased in future thus NVIDIA recommends using the variable warpSize than hardcoding
  • Branching causes a divergence in the flow of execution.
    • Threads that take the branch are executed, others that do not are marked as inactive.
    • Once taken branch is resolved, the other side of the branch is executed, until the threads converge once more
    • Hardware can only fetch a single instruction stream per warp.
    • Solution? If you can arrange the divergence to fall on half warp (16-thread) boundary, you can actually execute both sides of the branch condition.
GPU Utilization
  • Compute 3.0 -> Kepler
  • Only consistent value that gets you 100% utilization across all levels of the hardware is 256 threads.
  • For max compatibility, you should aim for either 192 or 256 threads.
Block Scheduling
  • SM can accept upto 8 blocks, depending on block size typically 6 to 8.
  • As all blocks are of the same size, any block in the list of waiting blocks can be scheduled in the SM
  • on a GPU, multiple runs on the same data can result in different but correct answers.
    • Since the result is different that before, doesn't make it incorrect.
Basic Concept of Histograms in Programming
  • A histogram counts the distribution of data across bins (e.g., 256 bins for values 0-255).
  • A serial implementation loops through an array and increments the corresponding bin.
Parallelization Problem
  • In a parallel implementation, multiple threads may try to update the same bin at the same time.
  • This leads to a race condition, where multiple threads fetch, increment, and write back the same bin value simultaneously, losing increments.
CUDA Solution: Using Atomic Operations
  • Atomic operations ensure that each update to a bin happens sequentially, avoiding race conditions.
  • atomicAdd(&value, 1); guarantees that no two threads increment the same bin at the same time.
Performance Issues with Atomic Writes
  • Using one thread per input element leads to high contention for the 256 bins, slowing down execution.
  • Example: With a 512 MB array, each bin might have 131,072 threads competing to update it.
  • The naive approach achieves poor performance (~1025 MB/s) due to memory bandwidth limitations and atomic write contention.
Optimization Using Data Decomposition
  1. Improving Read Efficiency
    • Instead of reading 1 byte per thread, read 4 bytes (32-bit integer) per thread to improve memory coalescing.
    • This does not improve speed significantly because the atomic writes remain a bottleneck.
  2. Using Shared Memory for Histograms
    • Instead of writing directly to global memory, each Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) first accumulates histogram values in fast shared memory.
    • Once all threads in a block finish updating shared memory, results are written back to global memory in a single step, reducing contention.
    • This improves performance 6× (6800 MB/s).
  3. Processing Multiple Histograms per Block
    • Instead of computing one histogram per block, compute N histograms per block to reduce the number of global memory writes.
    • This further improves performance, peaking at 7886 MB/s for N=64 on a GTX460 card.
Key Takeaways
  • Atomic operations solve race conditions but create performance issues.
  • Using shared memory before writing to global memory improves performance significantly.
  • Batch processing (processing N histograms per block) further optimizes global memory bandwidth usage.