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Design Techniques–III


N-Queen's Problem (4/8)

  • Time Complexity -> O(n!)
  • Back tracking approach to find all solutions
  • from root node assign all possible values to the queen node in DFS order
  • At any point, if row/column/diagonal rule broken, preempt the branch!

Hamiltonian Cycle

  • NP Hard Problem
  • Exponential time taking problem
  • Articulation point -> if present, hamiltonian cycle not possible in graph
    • It is a single point which joins two parts of a graphs via a single point articulationPoint.png 3 is the articulation point here!
  • Algorithm
    • Initially the array of cycle elements are 0
    • We fix a starting vertex to avoid duplicate cycles
    • choose a vertex from the graph such that it has a edge to the previous node.
  • Bounding Function Checks
    • Do not take any duplicates
    • Whenever taking a vertex, there should be an edge from the previous vertex
    • When on the last vertex, there should be an edge to the first vertex
  • Complexity:
    • For N nodes, we do n! steps
    • n! = (n * n-1 * n-2 ... *1)
    • which is approximately equal to O(\(n^n\))

Graph Colouring

  • Color Vertex here not EDGE! i.e. we assign the colour to the vertex and not the edge.
  • Optimisation Problem -> Minimum number of colours required for Colouring the graph
  • mColouring Decision Problem -> Given colors, can we color the graph with only these many colours | aka Chromatic Problem
  • Base conditions
    • if color matches with adjacent node's color, preempt the branch
  • Applications
    • Time table design
    • Map coloring S.T no two connected regions share the same colour
  • T.C -> O(\(m^v\)) .. Where m-> Number of colors | v -> Number of Vertex

Subset Sum

  • Given : input array of numbers , targetValue
  • Base conditions:
    1. Sum/weight till now should be less than or equal to targetValue
    2. remaining weight of the array should be greater than or equal to the remaining (targetValue -currentSum )
  • Tree constructed as -> Weight Included or Not Included (i.e. 2 children).. subsetSumBacktrackingExample.png

0/1 Knapsack

  • use Pick not pick logic to build tree to maximize the profit by choosing the best possible combination for the knapsack problem
  • Input -> Array of Profit, Weight for n objects AND knapsack size
  • Bounding condition
    • current weight should be less than or Equal to our knapsack weight! zeroOneKnapsackBackttracking.png
  • Time Complexity -> O(2^n)

Branch and Bound

  • Similar to back tracking -> uses a state space tree as well
  • Useful for solving optimzation problems
  • We can only solve minimization problems using this

0/1 knapsack problem

  • Maximization problem has to be converted to minimization problem
  • Least Cost Branch Bound method used, explore the node with minimum cost
    • upperBound (u) = sum of all the profits till their total weight is less than knapsackSize
    • cost -> sum of all the profits, ( with fractions included) for minimization part and not as part of problem
    • fixed size solution -> {0,1,1,0} | 1-> pick , 0 -> not pick
  • If at any point the cost of a node is greater than upper, kKill the node!
  • Continue till you have killed all nodes except one which would be the answer node. knapsackBranchBound.jpg

Travelling Sales Man Problem

  • Update given cost matrix by reducing the matrix M
  • In this algorithm when generating tree we travel in level order and not DFS!
  • tspCostMatrixOriginal.png reduce by removing minimum element from each row from the entire row and then the minimum element from each colum from the entire column. tspCostMatrixReduced.png
    • cost of the first matrix is the reduced cost i.e. here 25
    • When going from vertex 1 to 2, make the first row and second column as \(\infty\) , similarly, we wouldn't want to go back to 1 from 2 again, so update 2,1 to \(\infty\) .
    • cost of vertex -> cost of edge from previous to current +cost of previous vertex+ current reduction cost
    • In the next iteration, we have to make all previous values from current vertex to infinity to avoid going back to ancestor vertex
    • of all the leaves, pick the one with the least cost
    • tspBranchAndBoundFinalView.png
    • Quit When you have reached a leaf node and all the other costs are greater than or equal to the leaf node's cost!

Job Sequencing with Deadlines

  • Input -> 3 array of length n
    • Penalty (time)
    • deadline
    • time
  • Approach by generating state space tree with cost and upper bound
    • upper bound -> sum of all penalties except that included in solution
    • cost -> sum of penalties till the last job considered
  • Also make sure to tally your branch with the time parameter as some meetings cannot be scheduled after a certain time frame has passed and thus the branch also might be killed due to that jobSequencingWithBranchAndBound.jpg