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  • '\(|\)' (pipe) \(\rightarrow\) "divides"
    • if \(a = b * c\), then \(b\) and \(c\) divide (are factors of) \(a\).
    • This can be written as '\(b\ |\ a\ \land \ c\ | \ a\)'
  • '/' (slash) \(\rightarrow\) '"divided by'
    • \(a / b \rightarrow\) a divided by b
  • Properties
    • \(a|1\) then \(a = \pm 1\)
    • \(a|b\ \&\ b|a\) then \(a=\pm b\)
    • \(b/=0\) divides 0
      • if b is not equal to 0 it divides zero!
    • \(a|b\ and\ b|c\), then \(a|c\)
    • \(b|g\ and\ b|h\) then \(b|(mg\ + \ nh)\)
      • for any arbitrary numbers
      • In simple words, any random numbers m,n will still result in \(b\) dividing the result.
      • Even if \(m,n\) are the same i.e. \(m=n\)
Prime Numbers
  • Positive integer greater than 1 having no factors other than 1 and itself is called a prime number.
  • Positive integers greater than 2; that are not prime are called composite numbers.
  • Any number \(n \ge 2\) is expressible as a unique product of 1 or more prime numbers.
Relative Prime Numbers
  • aka co-prime numbers
  • \(a,b\) are relatively prime if \(gcd(a,b) = 1\).
  • \(gcd\) can be determined by comparing prime factors and selecting the least powers of the factor.
    • i.e. For every factor, we choose the least powers among the factors of the two equations.
    • \(gcd(24,36)\)
      • \(24= 2 * 2 * 2 * 3\rightarrow2^{3}*3\)
      • \(36 = 2*2*3*3\rightarrow2^{2}*3^{2}\)
      • Thus \(gcd(24,36) = 2^{min(3,2)} * 3^{min(1,2)}\) = \(2^{2}*3=4*3=12\)
        • PS 3,2 are the powers of 2 AND 1,2 are the powers for 3 in the factorisation respectively.
  • Not necessary that both the numbers should be prime numbers
  • A prime number is relatively prime to any other number
Modular Arithmetic
  • Revise: MOD of a number m with base n
    • If m = 23, n = 9 \(\rightarrow\) \(23 \ mod \ 9\ = 5\ mod\ 9\)
    • If m = -15, n = 0 \(\rightarrow\) \(-15\ mod\ 9\ = -15+9+9 \ = 3\ mod\ 9\)
  • Addition of modular number with two number \(p,\ q\) , with same modular base \(n\) is,
    • \((p\ mod\ n\ + \ q\ mod\ n)\ mod\ n\ =\ (p+q)\ mod\ n\)
  • Subtraction of modular number with two number \(p,\ q\) , with same modular base \(n\) is,
    • \((p\ mod\ n\ - \ q\ mod\ n)\ mod\ n\ =\ (p-q)\ mod\ n\)
  • Multiplication of modular number with two number \(p,\ q\) , with same modular base \(n\) is,
    • \((p\ mod\ n\ * \ q\ mod\ n)\ mod\ n\ =\ (p*q)\ mod\ n\)
    • \(m^{a}\ mod\ n\ = \ m^{pq}\ mod\ n\) where \(a=p*q\) \(\Rightarrow\) \((m^{p}\ mod \ n)^{q}\ mod\ n\)
  • Congruence: \(a,b\) are congruent (\(a\cong b\)) if the remainder obtained after performing mod with same number \(n\) on both \(a,b\) is the same.
  • Division
    • \(b/a\ mod\ n\ = b*a^{-1} \ mod\ n\)
    • \(a^{-1}*a = 1 \ mod \ n\)
    • Inverse might not always exist, it exists when
  • Additive Inverse Property:
    • a + (-a) = 0
    • but for mod, we have to think with respect to \(n\)
      • \(a^{-1} = n - a\)
      • if \(n = 12, a = 7, a^{-1} = n-a\)
        • \(i.e\ 12-7\ =\ 5; a^{-1} = 5\)
  • Multiplicative Inverse
    • Under mod \(n\), \(a*a^{-1} \cong 1 mod n\)
      • n = 11, a = 2, \(a^{-1}\) = ?; \(2*6\ mod\ 11 = 1\ mod\ 11\), Thus, \(a^{-1} = 6\)
    • Multiplicative inverse only exists when \(gcd(n,a) = 1\) i.e. a,n are relatively prime.
    • Another approach \(\rightarrow\) #Extended Euclidean Algorithm]
Galois Field
  • Defined over prime numbers
  • Denoted by \(GF(p^{n})\)
  • set of integers {0, 1 .. p-1} with arithmetic operations modulo prime p
Prime Factorisation
  • when a number is written as a product of primes.
Euler's Totient Function
  • \(\phi(n)\) is number of positive integers less than \(n\) which are relatively prime to n
  • Euler's totient function.png
  • By solving a different examples; the third formula can be extended and used with \(k\) prime numbers in a statement
    • Example, \(\phi(372) \ = \ 2*2*3*31 = \phi(2^{2}) *\phi(3) * \phi(31) = (4-2)*2*30\ = \ 120\)
Fermat's theorem
  • If \(p\) is prime and \(p \centernot\mid a\) then \(a^{p-1} \cong\ 1\ mod\ p\)
  • generalisation: \(a^{\phi(n)} \ mod \ n = 1\), where \(gcd(a,n) = 1\)
    • This is used when n is not prime number; we need a,n to be co-prime here
    • Example, \(2^{63} \ mod \ 99\)
  • \(\(R(\frac{k*a}{k*d})=(k)R(\frac{a}{d})\)\) Where, R -> Remainder function
Congruence (\(\cong\)) formal definition
  • \(a, a^{'}\) be integers, \(b\) be a positive integer. We say that "\(a\) is congruent to \(a^{'}\) modulo \(b\)" iff \(b\ | \ (a-a^{'})\) \(\Leftrightarrow\) (which is equivalent to) \(a\ mod\ b\ = \ a^{'}\ mod\ b\)
    • a and b have the same remainder when divided by n! That's it!
  • \(a = k*n + b\) ; k,a,b are integers. n is a positive integer!
  • \(n \ | (a-b)\)
  • For exam, remember this formula: \(b\ | (a-a^{'})\) i.e. a is congruent to a' if and only if b divides (a-a') completely.
  • Addition \(\rightarrow\) (a+b) mod n ≡ (a mod n) + (b mod n)
  • Subtraction \(\rightarrow\) a-b mod n ≡ a+(-b) mod n
  • Multiplication \(\rightarrow\) a*b mod n; possible to get a*b ≡ 0 even though, neither a,b ≡ 0 mod n
    • 2*3≡ 0 mod 6
  • Division \(\rightarrow\) b/a mod n
    • multiplied by inverse of a i.e. b/a \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(b*a^{-1}\ mod\ n\)
    • PS \(a*a^{-1}\ =\ 1\ mod\ n\)
      • e.g. \(3^{-1} ≡ 7\ mod\ 10\), since 3*7 ≡ 1 mod 10
    • Inverse exists only when \(gcd(a,n) = 1\), may not always exist.
  • Multiplicative inverse
    • In \(Z_n\)​, an element \(a\) has a multiplicative inverse \(b\) if:
      • \(a \times\ b \cong \ 1\ mod\ n\)
      • for b to exist, a,n must be coprime
    • 0 never has an inverse
    • 1 is always its own inverse
    • Numbers having inverses in \(Z_n\) are relatively prime to \(n\).
Euclidean Algorithm
  • Find \(gcd\) of \(a,b\) such that \(a \ge b \ge 0\)
  • We use the fact that, if a,b have a divisor d, then so does a-b, a-2b
  • Algorithm
        A=a, B=b
        while B >0:
            R = A mod B
            A = B, B = R
        Return A;
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
  • For given integers and , the extended Euclidean algorithm not only calculate the greatest common divisor but also two additional integers and that satisfy the following equation.
  • x and y will have opposite signs
  • Book examples on page 169(145)
  • todo #imp`.

  • Algorithm
    • Two positive numbers, p & q such that p >= q
    • if q = 0; r = o, x1 = 1, y1 = 0
    • if q > 0;
      • z = p|q, r = p mod q, \(x_1 = x_3-zx_2\), $ <<>$
Multiplicative Inverse using GF field
    multiplicative inverse using GF hot (m,b):
        Init(): A1 = 1, A2 = 0; B1 = 0, B2 = 1;
        A3 = m > b ? m : b; // greater one
        B3 = m < b ? m : b; // smaller one

        while B3 > 0:
            Ti = Ai - Q*Bi;
            Ai = Bi; Bi = Ti;
Primitive Root
  • a is a primitive root of prime number \(p\) if \(a^{i}\ mod\ p\) gives distinct values for \(i \le p-1\)
  • Example: Is 2 a primitive root of prime number 5?
    • 2^1 mod 5 = 2;
    • 2^2 mod 5 = 4;
    • 2^3 mod 5 = 3;
    • 2^4 mod 5 = 1;
    • Thus the above remainder values are all distinct. Thus 2 is a primitive root of 5.
  • if n is a non prime number, \(Z_n^{x}\) is the congruence classes that might contain primitive root, so we try them for primitive root.
  • For Example, \(\phi(14) = 6\) primitiveRootsWithNonPrimeNumber.png
  • Here, 3 & 5 are primitive roots mod 14.
Discrete Logarithm
  • \(a^{x} = b\ mod\ p\) can have multiple values for \(x\).
  • There is no way to find a sure value for x used originally, as there might be multiple values.
  • Exponentiation, finding a value when x is given, is relatively easy, but finding discrete logarithms is a hard problem
Chinese Remainder Theorem:
  • (\(X=(a_1M_1M_1^{-1} + a_2M_2M_2^{-1} ... + a_nM_nM_n^{-1} )\ mod\ M\)\)where,
    • M is the product of all modulo values i.e. \(m_1*m_2...*m_n\)
    • \(M_i = \frac{M}{m_i}\)
    • \(M_i*M_i^{-1} =\ 1 \ mod\ m_i\) // calculate inverse value here.