Introduction to CNS
- Cryptography and modern cryptography, Need of security, Security services, Basic network security terminology, Security attacks, Classical cryptosystems and their cryptanalysis, Operational model of network security
Security Layers
- Physical Security \(\rightarrow\) access control to unauthorised person to physical media and restricted areas
- Private Security \(\rightarrow\) Security to individual or a group
- Project Security \(\rightarrow\) Security to details/design of project/operational security.
Denial of Service \(\rightarrow\) Make system busy; authorised users cannot access.
- Information security \(\rightarrow\) includes not only security of information but also security of all infrastructures related to computer system and internet.
- Degree of security depends on the importance of information.
Elements of Information Security(CIA)¶
- Confidentiality
- only authorised user can access the data
- Protection of data from unauthorised disclosure
- Integrity
- Validity of data is checked by integrity
- Gives info about any change/modifications in the data.
- Assurance that data received is as sent by the authorised user.
- Accessible and usable upon request by authorised user
- A functioning condition of the server/system at a given instance.
Access Control
- Permit only authorised users
- Restricts everyone else
- The security of a computer system can be provided by using secure techniques such as:
- Series of Confidence - Using Authentic software
- Access Control
- Data backup
- Ability to detect unpatched known flaws
- Antivirus software
- Firewalls
- Intrusion Detection systems (IDS)
- Encryption
- Information Security awareness
- Steps for better security
- Assets \(\rightarrow\) identify what is imp and to be protected
- Risks \(\rightarrow\) identify threat, attacks, vulnerability and risks
- Protections \(\rightarrow\) find out solution for protection of information
- Tools and Techniques \(\rightarrow\) Select appropriate for protection
- Priorities \(\rightarrow\) order of tools and techniques for protection of information
- Category of Computer Security
- Cryptography
- aka secret writing
- used to hide the original message
- Data security
- Computer Security models \(\rightarrow\) formal description of security policies
- Network security
- Computer Security
- Security Exploit
- Cryptography
Security Services
- Authentication
- Data confidentiality
- Access control
- Integrity \(\rightarrow\) MD5, SHA (hash algorithms) to check integrity of data
- Non-repudiation
- Assurance against denial by one of the communication parties.
- A way to verify who sent the message
- Digital signature
- Availability
- Plain Text \(\rightarrow\) Cipher Text
- Types of Encryption (Depending on Number of Keys)
- Symmetric (one key for encryption and decryption)
- E.g. DES, AES, IDEA, 3DES.
- Asymmetric (public-key encryption)
- two different keys are required. (public key & private key)
- Private key is known to the owner/server
- E.g. Diffie-Hellman, RSA
- Symmetric (one key for encryption and decryption)
- Cipher Text \(\rightarrow\) Plain Text
- Art of "Deciphering encrypted message/data" without knowing the key used for encryption
- various attacks are done to get the plain text
- The area of Cryptography and cryptanalysis together are called cryptology.
Types of Attacks
- Passive Attack
- No tampering of data; data is just read by attacker to understand
- Two Types
- Release of message contents (to public)
- Traffic analysis
- Difficult to detect; as there are no changes in actual data
- Active Attack
- Attempts to alter, change or modify information
- Four categories
- Masquerade
- Attacker pretends to be authorised entity to get access to information
- Message Replay
- Attacker acts as the man in the middle.
- Receives the data from the server (as server thinks attacker is the authorised user)
- Attacker then sends the data (replay) to the user to avoid suspicion (attacker acts like server)
- Message Modification
- Original message is captured, tampered and sent to the authorised user
- Two Types
- Modification
- Some parts of original message are modified by attacker
- Fabrication
- A completely new fabricated message is sent by attacker
- Modification
- Denial of Service (DoS)
- Masquerade
- Passive Attack
- The Security of the Encryption algorithm depends upon the key.
- A key is nothing but a pattern of alphabets/numbers/symbols used to convert plain text to cipher-text.
Asymmetric Encryption¶
- Two different keys are used (One for encryption, other for decryption)
- The keys are mathematically related to each other.
- Each user has their own public key, thus no need for key distribution.
- This makes public key cryptography more secure compared to symmetric encryption.
- Everyone has a public key and a private key
- If A is communicating with B, both A and B have their public as well as private keys.
- A and B share their public keys to each other.
- A encrypt's data using B's public key and sends it to B (Now even A cannot decrypt this as A doesn't have B's private key)
- B can decrypt the message as it has the private key required to decrypt
- Real life Example
- Private key \(\rightarrow\) Mailbox (Only the owner can open it)
- Public Key \(\rightarrow\) Mailbox (Everyone can put in letters)
- The owner shares the mailbox address to everyone for them to send message
- Owner accesses messages using the private key.
Next Unit: Cryptographic Algorithms