
Types of Data Sets
- Record - Graph and network - Ordered - Spatial, image and multimedia

Important Characteristics of Structured Data
- Dimensionality - Sparsity - Resoultion - Distribution

  • Attribute (or dimensions, features, variables): a data field, representing a characteristic or feature of a data object

Attribute Types
- Nominal - categories, states or names of things - colours - Binary - Nominal Attribute with 2 states (0 or 1) - Symmetric Binary -> Both states equally important (e.g. GENDER) - Asymmetric Binary -> Outcomes not equally important - e.g. Covid 19 test coming positive. (Assign 1 to more important outcome) - Ordinal - Values have a meaningful order, can be ranked, but magnitude between them is not known - e.g. small medium large, grades, education levels - Quantitative (Numeric) - Interval -> Measured on equal-sized units - Values have order - No true zero point - e.g. temperature in degree Celsius or Fahrenheit, calendar dates - Ratio - Inherent Zero Point - e.g. lengths, counts, monetary quantities - Discrete - Continuous -